What’s The Difference Between Ambient Lighting, Accent Lighting And Task Lighting?

–Lighting is everything. Not convinced? Think about the last time you walked into a restaurant and were amazed at the ambient colors that greeted you from the moment you stepped through the door. Consider how you feel when you enter the doctor’s office and feel vaguely uncomfortable by the unnaturally bright and fluorescent lamps above. Lighting is more than just […]

Useful Tips For Pumping Your Septic Tank

If you have a home that is relatively rural, you may not have the option of being on a city or county’s sewer system. This makes it necessary for you to have a septic tank to take care of household waste. Many people live in an area that requires them to keep their septic tank above the ground. An above […]

3 Most Popular Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

In a modern kitchen design, there’s a lot of aesthetics that goes into it to give the space a neat and harmonious look. Whether you prefer a more contemporary or traditional theme to your kitchen, you can never go wrong with some thoughtful yet inspiring kitchen backsplash ideas. According to a survey by National Association of Home Builders, 69% of […]

Why You Need an Emergency Service Plumber on Speed Dial

The term emergency service plumber is not necessarily a term that most people want to hear. One of the reasons is that if you hear or need to utter the phrase emergency service plumber, that means that there is an emergency and it is likely not going to be pretty. Leaking pipes, a leaking faucet, or other major plumbing problems […]