Picking the Right Roofing Materials for the Climate Can Help Reduce Energy Costs

The roof line of a house gives it character and beauty. But the roof has practical functions as well, being one of the primary components keeping the structure safe and secure. Roofs have to withstand all kinds of weather conditions, and protect against hail, rain, wind and snow. Roofs also serve to regulate the building temperature and an insulated roof can make a big difference to the heating and cooling needs of a home.
Roofs define and protect your house
Roofs comprise about 40% of your home?s exterior, and serve to define your house?s character and appearance. Roofs also serve to protect buildings from the elements. When you consider both functions together, it?s easy to see why roofs come with so many deep cultural meanings. People are grateful for a roof over their heads, romantic songs speak of sharing a roof, and high drama ensues when roofs are damaged or attacked in any way.
In the real world too, roofs protect against hail, snow, wind, hurricanes and all kinds of bad weather. In turn, roofs must be kept in good repair, beginning with annual or biannual inspections to ensure that all is well, that there are no missing shingles or tiles, and no gaps or cracks. Roof repairs must be carried out promptly to avoid more and bigger problems down the line.
Insulated roofs for a comfortable indoor temperature
Roofs also have the important function of regulating the temperature of your home. Insulated roofing for hot or cold climates can reduce the energy costs of heating or cooling. In fact, the right roofing can reduce your energy bills by as much as 30%. That?s because when hot air rises, it escapes through the attics and the roof.
Insulating roofs on buildings in cold climates can help to retain the heat, reducing heating costs. In warmer climates, roofs can be made of reflecting materials or painted with reflective paint that will not retain the heat from from the sun?s rays. This keeps the building appreciably cooler, and reduces the costs of air conditioning.
Finding the right replacement roof
A roof can last anywhere from twenty to fifty years, depending on the materials used, climate, weather, and other factors. When it?s time for a roof replacement, it?s a good idea to use this opportunity to pick the type of roof and materials that suit your needs. Homeowners looking to replace roofs are primarily concerned with durability and longevity.
Whatever materials you choose, it?s a good idea to let professional roofing contractors handle roofing replacement. Installing roofs can be tricky and it?s not good idea to DIY, either the whole or just part of the project. Any mistakes can be both costly and dangerous.
Roofs define and guard our houses, and protect against hail, rain, storms and snow. They also help to keep homes at a comfortable temperature. Using the right roofing materials for the climate can help to reduce energy costs as well as your carbon footprint.
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