5 Tips for Planting the Perfect Lawn

There are so many different things that you could do to your lard to make different kinds of landscape designs. However, if lawns are your thing, you’re going to need to prepare yourself for a lot of work. Unless you hire someone, taking care of grass on lawns can be a tricky thing. You have to have the balance of too much and too little.
Although this article doesn’t focus on it, all of the products you use on your lawn should be green and environmentally friendly. The whole idea of grass in the first place is that it’s good for the environment, so don’t ruin that with harsh chemicals, cleaners and fertilizers.
Now, having said that, let’s take a look at a few of the things you can do to get and maintain a healthy lawn.
Prepare to Plant
You’ll have to get rid of all the old grass and weeds. If you want to avoid using herbicides then you can manually dig everything up with a hoe or sod cutter. In order to help with the direction of the water flow, you’ll then want to give your soil a 1-2% slope grade, away from your home. After adding the fertilizer, you’ll need to water the soil and then let it sit for about a week or so before rolling out the soil. When you do roll out the soil, add about a third of water into your roller to top off the water getting to the seeds.
Get the Grass
It’s okay to take your time deciding which grass type is going to work best. There are a lot of choices to be made within that final decision. Some things that you’ll need to consider are, how much lawn care you are willing to do, if the grass will work in your climate and with your soil type. You’ll need to know the difference between seed and sod. (In a nutshell- seed is usually less expensive and easier to put it but it can take a long time to grow. Sod will bear grass much sooner.) There’s also different kinds of grass to pick depending on the season.
Lay the Lawn
To make this task a little easier, you could break up the lawn into sections. After that’s done, you will need to plant the seeds. You could use a lawn spreader and plant half the seeds while going in parallel rows and then the other half can be sown the other direction. Lastly, rake a very light layer of soil over the seeds to protect them. If you decide on sod, then you’ll need to lay them down in a staggered patterned. Once done, trim off the edges with a knife. No sod is going to fit your yard perfectly, so don’t be discouraged if you have to fit in certain pieces like a puzzle. It will still look good once the grass comes in.
Water, Don’t Wash
It’s important to only water according to what you have. If your lawns have seeds, then only light watering is necessary every other day for almost two weeks. That’s when the first blades poke through. Keep in mind, that if you over water seeds, you’ll wash them away. If you go the sod route, you don’t need to be as careful. A thorough soak will be necessary every morning for about 10 days. It’s important that the soil under the sod get enough water so just water until that is wet and then you can stop.
Get off the Grass
New lawns shouldn’t be walked on for a period of time after installation; usually around a week for sure, but the entire first month if possible. Seed is even more sensitive and should be used carefully for the first six months. Then you’ll have to deal with proper mowing techniques.
If you can get these things done in the beginning and establish a good foundation for your lawn, then you are setting yourself up to have a great lawn for a long time. Many people make too many mistakes in the beginning and it plays out to how to their lawns looks in the future. If you do it right, your grass will last you a long time.
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