When You Decide to Move Out

Many American individuals and families move every single year, when they pack up all of their belongings, hire local mover companies, and relocate to a new residence. Long distance movers and local movers may be available, and a moving family may hire one based on how far they are going. Local movers may be the better option when moving from one neighborhood in a town or city to another, or going from a town to a nearby city. Meanwhile, long distance moving companies are the better choice if the move goes a long way, such as from Ohio to New York State or from Texas to Florida. Either way, a moving family will have some general steps to take when moving, and hiring local movers is just one of them. How can this process be done right?
Why Moving Happens
Why are Americans moving at all? Sometimes, a new child is born or adopted into the family and the current residence is now too small for everyone. In other cases, a person gets a new, better job or their job requires them to move far out of state to a new office or location. Or the reverse may happen, when older Americans’ adult children move out and they want a smaller house that’s only meant for them. Meanwhile, younger Americans tend to move more often than older ones, since they tend to rent (rather than purchase) property and can easily move without having to deal with selling a house. Many young adult Americans move often as a part of their mobile, self-discovery sort of lifestyle. An average American might move as many as 12 times in his or her life, moving less often as they age.
The moving industry in the U.S. was worth $85.7 billion in 2016, and it may be even larger now, and may grow well into the future. Estimates say that as much as 11.2% of the American population moves in a given year, although 62% of movers in 2017 didn’t even leave their home counties when moving. Other trends show that summer is the most popular time for moving, and winter is the least popular, and December is the least popular month for moving. Perhaps this is because of ice and snow interfering with moving trucks, and the busy holiday season for Christmas and Hanukkah. Rain or shine, how can moving be done?
Hiring Local Movers and Preparing to Go
The average American house hold has a staggering 300,000 items in it, large and small, valuable and junk alike. These range from furniture pieces to cookware to book to kids’ toys, and moving is a fine time to take inventory of everything. Getting rid of unwanted items us a fine way to make the move easier and faster, and this helps prevent clutter in the next residence. Family members, in the days or weeks leading up to a move, may sort through all their items by category and donate, recycle, or throw away what they don’t want or need. This can be done for clothing in particular, as many Americans have a lot of clothes that they no longer wear. Other excess items may also be cleared out. Meanwhile, larger items such as furniture or a car, boat, or RV may be relocated to a self-storage facility nearby for safekeeping.
Meanwhile, the moving family may look online to find local moving companies, if they don’t already have a personal reference to use. Local movers can offer their trucks, trailers, and staff labor for moving within the city or county, but for moving out of state, a long-distance mover may be preferred. Good moving companies will have their own websites for reference, and a guest may get contact information about a moving company and view customer reviews, as well as see videos, articles, and photos showcasing their work.
When a moving company is hired, the staff will help load items into trucks and trailers. Many smaller items will be in labeled cardboard boxes, and furniture will be placed as they are into the cargo bay. Padding, straps, and packing items close together will help prevent furniture or boxes from falling over or jostling against each other during the trip, which can help prevent damage.