What are Perennial Plants?

Gardeners have a vast array of plants that they can choose to have in their gardens. From grasses to shrubs to flowers to trees, there is an endless sea of beauty and variety. When it comes to flowering plants, most fall into one of two categories. They are either annual or perennial. In this YouTube video, you will learn all about the basic care, identity, and use of perennial plants in the modern landscape.
This video outlines some of the traits that distinguish an annual from a perennial and what some of the most commonly used perennials are. Here you will see hands-on examples of what makes a perennial a perennial and how to best incorporate them into your home landscape. You will also see care tips and ideas of how to get the most out of your plants season after season.
Be sure to check out the video for yourself and see how amazing perennials are and what they can bring to your landscape design. And then get started designing your dream landscape and fill it with all sorts of amazing plants, including amazing perennials!.