Tough Weather Needs Even Tougher Materials How To Select The Best Impact Glass Doors In Florida

Storms are more powerful than many give them credit for.
Shutting the windows and doors isn’t enough. To stand strong against a force as unyielding as Mother Nature means pulling out all the stops. As a contractor it’s part of your job to stress this awareness to your clients, all with the intent to keep them safe. Impact resistant windows and doors go a long way to prevent accidents. Learning what to look for in hurricane proof windows and doors means doubling down on the little details.
How thick is the glass? Is there an impact-resistant glazing system? It’s time to talk shop so you’re ordering exactly what you need from Miami wholesale manufacturers.
Exploring The Power Of Hurricanes
It’s one thing to know a hurricane’s power. It’s another to see it happen. Hurricanes have a tendency to spawn tornadoes — Hurricane Andrew, for example, spawned over 60 back in the 1990’s and remains one of the most well-known today. Throughout the 20th century over 155 hurricanes hit the United States, most of them hitting Florida and Texas. Staying safe means preparing for the worst, that of which Miami impact doors can achieve in fine form.
The Most Staggering Tornadoes Of The Past Few Years
Understanding what you’re up against gives you a better perspective on what to buy. Hurricane Irma held over seven trillion watts of energy, which is twice as much as all the bombs used in World War II. To date, it’s the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recorded history and broke records with its 185 mile-per-hour winds. 2017 was a particularly rough year, spawning 10 massive storms in a row that turned into hurricanes. This hasn’t happened since the late 1800’s.
Choosing The Strength Of Impact-Resistant Glazing
When you search for impact windows, the first thing you need to dig around for is glazing. This is done to provide even more protective coverage to hold strong against pressure, temperature changes, and sudden impact. Window and door systems have an impact-resistant glazing system of +105/-130, able to hold up to hurricane force winds of 100 miles per hour. Sliding glass door manufacturers have to be keenly aware of the weather probabilities in the area, which change depending on the state and season. You can answer more questions with your local code.
Following Florida Code To Stay Safe
You have plenty of useful information to ensure the best installed impact glass doors. Condos in Florida, for starters, are required to undergo a public inspection every 40 years to stay up-to-date. The Florida Building Code (or FBC) requires windows to be impact-resistant if they’re located within a mile of the coast — the winds can reach an excess of 110 miles per hour or more. Impact glass doors are improved year after year. What was considered strong in the past is nothing compared to what you can purchase now.
What To Look For In Hurricane Proof Windows
You know you need impact glass doors for your next project. What should you keep an eye out for? Impact resistant glazing provides that extra boost of power that can mean the difference between a strong door and a broken hole in the side of a house. You can further suss out details as you go along, such as the estimated mile-per-hour winds and additional features like temperature resistance. Sound proof sliding glass doors also offer the benefit of reducing hearing loss, as nearby storms can be extremely loud.
Buy only the best for your upcoming projects. Find impact doors that tick off all the right boxes.