How Old Is the Air Conditioning Unit in Your Home?

Typically, when it comes to comfort your daughters have a different kind of preference. This year, however, you were amazed when she announced what dorm she would be requesting for her freshman year of college. Instead of picking the one with the newest carpet, air conditioning, and the newest furniture, she opted for the dorm choice that was closer to the fitness center. Just a short of about 150 feet, the athletes on campus pick this close location again and again. Even though the size of the entire campus is much smaller than one full size city block, that distance must matter. Your are hoping, however, that the campus maintenance people will continue to do everything they can to maintain the less than new facility that your daughter has selected.

You do not need to be in an old dorm room on a college campus 12 hours from home to appreciate the comforts of a good heating and cooling system. In fact, the latest research indicates that as many as 66% of all U.S. homes have air conditioners. We are creatures of both habit and comfort and many of us simply cannot imagine exiting in a space that does not have the best temperature control options.

Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning Plays an Important Role in the Lives We Lead

As businesses and individuals across the nation continue to deal with an increasingly volatile weather climate, it is important to realize that more and more people are going to be looking for energy and cost efficient ways to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible.

Fortunately, the heating and cooling industry continues to be up for the challenge. In fact, with the latest energy efficient cooling systems, both home and business owners can find a perfect solution when they are ready to upgrade their HVAC equipment. With the combination of the best residential AC repair air duct cleaning, in fact, even older systems can be more efficient. Consider these facts and figures about the latest heating and cooling advancements and the role this industry plays in the economy of the nation:

  • The world is poised to install 700 million air conditioners by the year 2030, according to researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  • When compared to 1990, today’s air conditioners use about 50% less energy.
  • Duct leakage can decrease 20% to 40% of the energy out of even a well operating air conditioner.

When first time college students get ready to move into their dorms there are many things that they are thinking about. They are sometimes both anxious and scared to move out and live on their own; they are excited about the interests they will develop as the work toward their desired degrees and careers. In reality, however, one of the things that they might enjoy the most is the comfort provided by a dorm air conditioning system.

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