Being a Successful Adult Does Not Require a Four Year College Degree

It has been increasingly assumed in this country that all high school graduates need to attend a four year college in order to succeed in life. For many parents in America, that is what they did and that is what they expect their children to do. In many circles, in fact, the four year college route is practically a given. There have always been a few graduates who lived at home with their parents and went to a local community college, but in many circles this is not the norm. Interestingly enough, as college tuitions continue to rise more than almost any other part of the nation’s economy, there is an increasing trend to reconsider this four year college option.
Especially when students have absolutely no idea what they want to study, the option of starting classes at a community college or trade school may be a better alternative than to racking up debt at a school that may not provide the degree you need to reach your future goals. In fact, in a time when so many trades are in such high demand, a graduate who knows how to use small and large hose clamps, repair a washing machine, or fix a car can be in as high demand as anyone. In fact, those students who make the rather unique decision to graduate high school and semester or a year early, attend an auto mechanic two year training program, and enter the work force are often earning a higher income than most would expect. This is not to say, of course, that there is not still the need for business management positions in these trade fields, but few people are sitting at home on a weekend waiting for an accountant or company lawyer to come fix their overflowing toilet. Instead, consumers are often at the mercy of a very limited field or workers when it comes to the home, auto, and maintenance needs that they have. The mere fact that a service provider can give a customer a four to six hour window when setting up a time for an inspection, a bid, or a service, is reason enough to understand the need for more workers in many kinds of trades and fields.
Trade School Graduates Continue to be in high Demand in Many Fields
For many students who are preparing to finally get out of high school and consider what they want to do with their lives, the assumption that the only way to be successful is to attend a four year college is in the past. More and more high school counselors, as well as parents are coming to the realization that there are also real benefits to spending time job shadowing a plumber who uses stainless steel hose clamps instead of a doctor who uses scalpels can be beneficial. in fact, knowledge of how to use hose clips, screwdrivers, and many kinds of other tools can serve as a valuable resource for future home owners even if they do have a college degree. One of the reasons that these construction workers and repair service providers are in such high demand is that there is a significant gap in knowledge. For those who do attend expensive colleges and earn at least a four year degree, there is often a an attitude that knowledge of hose clamps, plumbing parts, and automotive tasks are unnecessary. It is these people with absolutely no knowledge of what kind of hose clamps are used in certain situations and what kind of tools are useful for even the simplest of home repairs who are often the same ones who are waiting the longest and paying the most for some basic electrical, plumbing, and automotive services.
A hose clamp or hose clip is a device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting, a barb, or a nipple. And understanding that the use of this simple device, or of duct tape and zip ties, can be the answer to many small problems around the house. Without this knowledge, however, you can find yourself paying expense fees to someone with a very profitable two year degree.