An Ounce of HVAC Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure, 7 Tips to Keep Your System Running Smoothly

Taking good care of your HVAC is important because it’s an important appliance in the house that’s used quite a bit. Rather than risk having it fail when you need it the most, it’s crucial to take good care of it throughout. If there’s an issue, call ac repair services and have them check out your ac and heating systems. They should rule out any major issues and fix those that they do find. This is something you’ll be able to get done easily if you find a professional HVAC technician in your area. To this end, you could search online for “ac cooling and heating near me” and have a look at the results. Your ac and HVAC system should undergo regular maintenance in order to keep functioning well, so don’t dismiss the importance of working with a professional to keep it working well.
If you can inspect your ac and heating unit systems yourself and do it well, then you can save some money by doing this and you’ll be at an advantage. This means that you can benefit from learning some basics about your HVAC, so if you have the time to spare, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with your HVAC.

If you are a homeowner, you may not think much about your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system unless you have a problem. That is too bad because proper maintenance on your HVAC system can keep it running for years and save you on expensive repairs from local HVAC companies.
- Consider getting new filters. If your HVAC system is old, you may want to look into replacing the filter system with a new one. Newer, more energy efficient air filters can suck out even the smallest particles from the air in your home. This can be really important for people in your home who have allergies or asthma.
- Keep an eye on the HVAC filters. Even if you do not need to get a new filter system, you still need to take a look at your HVAC filters. For most systems, HVAC companies recommend the filters be changed at least every 90 days. If you have a vacation home that is not used very much, you can probably go longer between changing the filters. If you live in certain areas where more dirt and dust are likely to go through your system, or the people who live in the home have respiratory problems, you may want to change them more often. You should check them every month. A clogged air filter is not just bad for your health but it can be a fire hazard. The material in the filter can cause it to catch on fire.
- Keep some space around your equipment. It is really crucial, say experts at HVAC companies, that you have at least 24 inches of space around your heat pumps and the air conditioning unit itself. When these areas get blocked, your system cannot work as well and you may end up needing expensive heating and air conditioning repairs done. When you are checking the areas around the heat pumps and air conditioning unit, remove any debris and dirt you see on top of the unit.
- Install a programmable thermostat. This is one of the best ways you can cut down on your power bills. These allow you to only heat or cool your home when people are there. Homeowners who have made the switch, report a savings of up to $180 each year. There are even high tech thermostats that can monitor the temperature in different parts of your house and can be changed while you are not even at home via the internet.
- Keep your thermostat in a neutral place. If you have your thermostat in your kitchen the air conditioning is going to kick on every time you cook. If it is near a device or appliance that produces heat like a lot of lights that emit heat, it can think your house it a lot warmer than it is and just run and run when it does not need to. This will cost you money but may also put too much strain on your HVAC system. HVAC companies recommend paying attention to where this is placed to lower your costs and protect your unit.
- Properly weatherize your home. Watch your weatherstripping and the gaps around your windows and doors. You want to keep the inside of your home comfortable during the winter and the summer but your unit should not be expected to keep your yard and garden cool or warm as well. If it has been a long time since your windows were replaced, you may want to upgrading as this can save you a lot of money on your energy bills.
- Upgrade your HVAC system. Newer HVAC system are a lot more energy efficient. Depending on the age of your current system, you may be eligible for some government programs to help you pay for upgrades to your system. Check with HVAC companies in your area and see what they can tell you about these programs and how efficient your current system is.
You want your HVAC system to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Paying attention to it and its needs will help keep it running well for years to come.