How Old Is the Furnace in Your Home?
And just like that it feels like fall.
Earlier this week it was raining, in the middle of the week it was miserably hot and humid, this morning it is cold. It is a cold that will not last, but the fact that this morning’s temperature dipped below 50 degrees is an indicator that fall really is going to make an appearance. Just last week the contractors completed the new deck and you and your husband purchased new patio furniture. You realize, however, that as the middle of September arrives you will likely have as many cold days as to, and that you will soon be turning off the air conditioner. And while you will likely enjoy a few days where you do not need any heating or cooling, the reality is that it will not be long and you will need to be running the furnace.
In anticipation of cooler temperatures, you have already had the heating and cooling contractors out for the regular check up. Once in the late spring and now in the early fall it has always been your practice to make sure that both the furnace and the air conditioner are ready when they are needed. Fortunately, you have not had to pay for a furnace replacement in any of the last seven years, but you are sure this is because you take the time to schedule the required maintenance.
Furnace Replacement Is an Important Investment to the Value of Any Home
If you live in a part of the country where the temperatures can fluctuate significantly from one day to the next, then you, too, understand the value of having a service contract with a reputable heating and cooling company. HVAC experts recommend twice yearly check ups to make sure that both the furnace and the air conditioner are in working order when they are needed. Furnaces typically last an average of 15 to 18 years, but you can increase your chances of reaching the longest live of this significant investment if you change air filters on a monthly basis, and schedule the recommended check ups.
When it does come time for an air conditioner or furnace replacement, it is in your best interest to purchase the highest quality product that you can afford. And while neither an AC or furnace replacement is cheap, when you invest in the best you will likely begin to see an immediate drop in your heating and cooling costs. Currently, as many as 87% of U.S. households have air conditioning, and these units use roughly 6% of all electricity produced in the U.S. Newer technology, however, has mad both heating and cooling a home more efficient. In fact, in some parts of the country an AC or furnace upgrade can even come with some substantial rebates. Knowing that a switch to a high efficiency air conditioner could reduce air conditioning energy use by 20% to 50% in your homes, in fact, can make this investment easier to handle.
As with any home improvement, investing in quality products is important, but it is also essential to make sure that you are working with an experienced and respected heating and cooling company. Did you know, for instance, that Improper equipment installation an decrease a home’s heating and cooling efficiency by 30%? A combination of trusted installation, reliable service, and the best equipment will bring the highest return on investment (ROI).
Even though most home owners know the value of the best service maintenance, not all follow the advice that will keep their heating and cooling equipment efficient. In fact, some HVAC experts indicate that up to 75% of no-heat calls in the winter are related to a lack of maintenance. Left unserviced, a furnace can suddenly stop working, leaving a family in the cold. It is at these times, of course, when it is often the most difficult to get the technicians you need to make the repairs that will keep your family safe and comfortable.
With the latest technology, many home owners can also save money on the regular use of their HVAC equipment. For instance, adjusting a thermostat to appropriate temperatures during sleeping hours or when you are away could save an estimated $180 a year on energy bills.