What’s The Difference Between Ambient Lighting, Accent Lighting And Task Lighting?

Lighting is everything. Not convinced? Think about the last time you walked into a restaurant and were amazed at the ambient colors that greeted you from the moment you stepped through the door. Consider how you feel when you enter the doctor’s office and feel vaguely uncomfortable by the unnaturally bright and fluorescent lamps above. Lighting is more than just a mundane detail. It’s how we interact with our world physically, emotionally and artistically. For those that want to see how they can use light to touch up their own home, let the list below shed some light on the best places to start. You may just become an overnight fan of bowery lights!
Did You Know?
What do you know about lighting? It’s time to illuminate just how useful this element is in our everyday lives before we look into lighting stores. Lighting has been found to account for 7%, sometimes 10%, of the total energy consumed in the American home. Lighting is also proven to have a significant effect on a person’s mood, with pale lights often more uncomfortable and colorful lights more engaging. Low lighting can encourage feelings of sleepiness and relaxation, but can also be a double-edged sword, making people feel nervous and exposed.
Ambient Lighting
There are three basic forms of lighting you can choose from when designing your home. The first is ambient, created with the intent of giving an entire room a certain mood. Let’s start with certain areas in the home. The brightest spot in the dining room, for example, should be the table — this is ideal when you want to draw people in and get them excited for good food or conversation. Try installing a chandelier or a pendant above the table to draw the eye and add an artistic touch. The total wattage should be 100 or so, whether you use diamond lighting or more conventional options.
Task Lighting
Now for task lighting. This is where form is slightly less important than function, though you can certainly have both! According to a survey conducted in 2016 by the U.S. House Bathroom Trends Study, over 45% of renovating homeowners actively cited good lighting as the most important feature in a master bathroom. Task lighting should be bright and even, giving you the opportunity to focus on cleaning, working or taking care of yourself. For those that want just a little touch-up with their bowery lighting or lightolier fixtures…
Accent Lighting
Last, but not least, we have accent lighting. This is the very definition of a visual garnish, perfect for giving any room or given space a little touch-up to look complete. Another result provided by the U.S. Houzz Bathroom Trends Study saw half of all homeowners who upgraded their master bathroom adding wall lights, while the other half added recessed lights. Increasingly common choices made by homeowners and couples are adding light strings, perfect for porches, bedrooms and decks. Feeling more confident now?
Bolstering Your Home Lighting
Don’t fret any longer about bowery lighting or modern recessed lighting. Starting with the basics and working your way up is a surefire way to get your home feeling more lovely than it ever has before. Fluorescent bulbs are five times more energy efficient than their incandescent and halogen counterparts, so keep this tip in mind when you want to keep your energy bill as low as possible. Semi-flush lights should hang around one or two feet from the ceiling and pendant lights, even now, are some of the most popular. Ready to give bowery lighting or an ambient look a try? It’s time to illuminate your home’s potential.
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