I Killed My Roommates

I just moved to Virginia. I was excited. I was excited to live on the east coast, to be near the capital of our nation, to have seasons, and really just to have an adventure. I moved into my new home and alas, I had some really filthy and disgusting dirty little unwanted roommates. So my first task in my new home and in my new state was to find the very best pest control Northern VA offered. There were several pest control services on the internet. I wonder if I had looked this up in advice if I still would have moved here. Maybe the sheer number of exterminators virginia had to offer would have scared me off. But I shall never know. Because I am here. And I already have my very own first name basis relationship with the local pest management place.
It is so much nicer to use the phrase pest management. Like I am their supervisor on the job or something. The term pest management does not spell out the fact that I have hired big scary men to kill all my dirty unwanted roommates. The term pest management does not clearly communicate the utter horror I had moving into my new home to the worst welcome wagon ever in the form of icky sticky little creatures. If I think about them to much my skin starts to itch. I know it is psychosomatic but I can not help it. I keep having to stop typing so I can itch. For reals.
Now thanks to my local pest management company I have taken a deep breath, both physically and metaphorically, and I am settling into my new home in my new state on my new coast. I live alone and that is how I like it.
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